"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw

Monday, February 27, 2012


photo from herdaily.com
So in my effort to try and achieve more balance in my life, I finally took up yoga.  And remember back here how I said that I would be posting more ways I was trying to RENEW?  Well, this has been a big deal for me in that regard.  I sort of have a fear about being in a class setting moving my body--I think it stems from ballet class as a 7-year-old and NOT GETTING THE STEPS. (I'm very uncoordinated)  Yah, uh completely opposite from my littlest sister, Meg.  This photo of her is UNBELIEVABLE.
As my son says, "Face your fears."  I love what our kids can teach us just in little snippets.  And guess what?  I LOVE YOGA AND EVERYTHING ABOUT IT! Fear Shmear.
My chiropractor recommended yoga years ago when he said, "Your lower back is really all about your core.  And after having 6 kids, your core is weak."  Those were tough words to hear, but I knew they were true, and I knew he was right.  Last week I put my back OUT, and I MEAN OUT.  Not fun.  Good wake-up call AGAIN to keep trying.  I think about all the women out there (including my own mother and 2 sisters) that have only known C-sections and have wondered how they deal with this whole core thing.  I'm counting my lucky stars I didn't have to go under the knife like they did.  They have their own brand of courage.  And don't worry, I'll be doing many more posts about these beautiful women in my life.

Mom, Me, and Beth at their graduation

Krista with Ellie as a baby
I've been going to yoga twice a week to a local church taught by an amazing teacher, Leanne.  This woman does not know me, but I LOVE this woman.   She was kind enough to let me take a quick picture with her after class.  She has such a serene, happy, centered, grounded demeanor.  You can read a little more about her and her yoga methods and philosophies here.  I feel awesome at the end of every class and she always manages to give a little "mini-lesson" to think about throughout your day.  

One of my favorites was when she reminded us that when we are comfortable we are stagnant.  Discomfort means growth.  I believe that wholeheartedly.  But the lesson is to be content in our discontentment and that there is opposition in ALL things and we must seek to find contentment in that opposition.  I took that to mean that there is ALWAYS SOMETHING that will leave us frustrated or that won't seem resolved, but that WE MUST find a way to be at peace and content with our circumstances in every season of our lives. 

HUGE life lessons 2 mornings a week.  At the end of each class, we have a little meditation and relaxation while she talks to us and as I have my eyes closed, I always see in my mind the most beautiful ULTRA VIOLET colors that ebb and flow.  THIS IS GOOD--Because I know about the Chakras.  (Post for another day). 

from Angiesholistictouch.com

I go to yoga with my friend Chris, and this woman is another gift in my life.  She told me about yoga and nourished me with amazing Doterra oils in a time of discouragement and need.  Love her.  I love the beauty that comes into our lives as we allow other women's strength and influence touch us. When we let others' love and kindness come into our hearts, we become a little kinder and a little bit gentler, and that makes me happy.

from doterraoilsx.com

Who have you let touch your heart lately?  What are you doing to achieve balance between your mind, spirit, and your body? Do you ever see a color when you close your eyes?  Create a great day today.



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