"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I've been thinking a lot this week about all of the many, many things vying for my attention.  Hence, the title of this post: "Voices."  There are the voices all over the web through Facebook, blogging, Pinterest, and of course tons of other social media mediums.  There are the loud political voices running rampant right now to try and and capture interest and a following as the presidential race gains momentum.  Along with those in politics is the "talking heads" of the media--all with a desire to be the ONE THAT IS HEARD.  These are voices in our outer world.
Then there's the voices of our inner world or inner circle.  Our neighbors, those we associate with in our church, our kids' teachers and our kids' friends.  Unlike me, who is a stay-at-home mom, I know that some of my friends who work outside their homes, that they have their co-workers' voices to listen to as well. Then there's our extended family and OUR friends, and last, but not least our spouses and our kids.  And really last, maybe you are the VOICE in your home that is just too loud.  What? You say...NOT ME.  I never yell at my kids! HA!
 Just for fun I googled a few images of people and kids shouting and wondered if it would ring any bells in your head of what is going on in your world.  Either of these look or SOUND familiar?

K, this is so funny and so RELATABLE in my world right now!

How many times a day do we hear: "MOOOOMMMM!"

I suppose all of this has been on my mind because as individuals we desperately want to be heard.  We want for our ideas to be validated, and to be important.  Those things are important to me too, but somehow, in the mix, I also need some peace, calm, and  quiet.  Sometimes there are JUST TOO MANY VOICES calling out, "LO here and LO there!"  It begins to make me feel as if I'm a stranger in a strange land.  So I asked myself, who's voice is the most important to listen to?  And I guess I was kinda asking God that question too.  Well, unbeknown to me, he wanted to answer and answer quickly.  I was listening to my Book of Mormon on my iPod on my way home from Yoga this morning, and I happened to be in 3rd Nephi where Christ is ministering to the Nephites and the Nephites begin to pray for what they most desire.  And guess what it was:  The Holy Ghost.  Boom.  The best possible answer and one that I knew, I just needed to be reminded.  I need to go to that quiet place in my mind and heart and just listen.  

What does your quiet, peaceful place look like?  Perhaps this:

Sometimes we have to literally "turn off" all of the voices crowding in and just listen to one--the Spirit of Revelation through the Holy Ghost that speaks to just us. For me and for you. I'm so grateful that Heavenly Father reminded me of this and didn't let me feel like a stranger for too long.  I am wanted and needed in His world, but I have to tune out the noise and listen carefully.  I have 6 little people that need me to be "on" for them.  They need a mother that will literally SHOVE out those loud voices of the world, and even PUSH out the personal critic inside ourselves to be there for them. Direct them. Nurture them.  Love them. And just be there.

SO grateful for the nurturing of my own mother to me and my kiddos and for her WISE VOICE.

I love the joy I see on my face here (and on Lydia's too)--I really don't seem to care that 'lil miss Lydia is a mess, I am just IN the MOMENT...
There is nothing I desire more than to be worthy to have the voice of the Holy Ghost direct me as a mother.  As a mother, that is my privilege and my stewardship.  It's also a lot of pressure, but I remind myself often that somehow Heavenly Father has enough faith in me to entrust these precious ones to my care.  That is a HUGE responsibility and not one that I take lightly, and neither does He, which is why sometimes He gives us lessons and answers quickly so that we don't become too discouraged or swayed by a VOICE that will distract us.

With that, I'll end so that you can turn off my voice (if you made it this far) and listen to the one inside you that counts the most.  Thanks for listening.
